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APA 7th edition _ Reference list format (0) | 2020.12.04 |
APA 7th Edition Quick Guide (0) | 2020.12.04 |
APA style Headings (0) | 2020.11.16 |
APA Style - Punctuation / Comma, Semicolon, Colon, Parenthesis, Dash, Quotation Marks, Italics (0) | 2019.10.04 |
APA style - Author Citation Guideline / In-Text Citations: Author/Authors (0) | 2019.10.03 |
I'm going to explain the four different styles of yoga that I teach.
I teach restorative, hatha, vinyasa, and power yoga and these might just be completely foreign terms to you so let's get through that right now.
Restorative yoga is a very relaxing and grounded style of yoga.
I think anybody can do restorative and everybody should do restorative because it's a style of yoga where you don't have to use your muscles because you're going to be in like propped positions using bolsters or even the ground to prop you up and then you just relax.
You hold postures and restorative yoga for sometimes a minute sometimes three minutes sometimes five minutes even
because it takes a little while for your body to even relax for you to get into that connective tissue.
Restorative yoga can be really good for recovery for healing for anxiety just to help you relax or to wind down before bed.
Restorative yoga is a wonderful way to get a really deep stretch and to practice patience so let's move on.
Hatha yoga is like a long holding yoga practice by long holding.
I mean you're going to be sitting in a posture for maybe 30 seconds and then move on to the next posture for maybe a minute and then move on to the next posture for maybe 15 seconds in the next posture.
There's no flowing or sometimes for me I like to add just a little bit of flowing but most time in hatha it's like one long holding posture, another long holding posture to the next long holding posture.
This is really good for beginners because it's a great way to get you used to the poses.
Your body can get used to the poses without any of that really quick flowing that might be so confusing for beginners.
Hatha yoga is another wonderful way to just stretch.
I use hatha yoga practices and I teach hatha yoga practices to help people stretch like the muscles in their neck or their gluts or their legs.
Usually you can find hatha in a whole practice like at the very end or sometimes half that might
build up to a vinyasa sequence.
A vinyasa sequence is flowing yoga. Vinyasa is Sanskrit for to place in a special way and in vinyasa we placed the breath in a special way because when you flow, you flow one breath one movement so beginners might feel a little overwhelmed right away with vinyasa but the more you do it the easier it gets because you get stronger you start to develop that muscle awareness that body awareness or muscle memory I guess is what I try to say also start to recognize some of the
terms like chaturanga or you know down dog or uttanasana and it comes a lot easier for you
Power is actually power vinyasa and the idea of power yoga is it's more athletic based. You're going to build a lot of strength using power yoga but power is also a vinyasa practice you're going to have a lot of flowing the difference is is that you're going to be flowing through and sometimes even holding postures that build strength and heat in the body so power is for someone who really just wants to get that big workout on they want to strengthen their body they want to flow and I would recommend
alternating between all of these different kinds of yoga because some
people go power crazy.
I know at one point in my life I was doing power every day and I was actually injuring myself because I was working so hard and I wasn't taking that time to like step back and relax so my recommendation in using these different styles of yoga is to alternate
if you're gonna go power heavy then add in a day of restorative and a couple
days of hatha if you really like vinyasa then try hatha if you are really into restorative try hatha.
I mean Hatha is kind of like that really nice mamabear like middle ground.
7 Days Yoga Lesson for Beginners (0) | 2020.12.11 |
Reference List Basic Format
· Reference list should be double-spaced like the rest of your paper.
· The second, and subsequent lines of the citation are indented. Use the ruler.
· Use the author’s initials, not their full name. If the author includes their middle initial or name, be sure to include it.
· If the book or article has multiple authors, you must list all of them up to the first 20. If the source has 21 or more authors, you list the first 20 then add an ellipses (…) and list the final author.
· Use the & symbol before the last author’s name, not the spelled out “and.”
· Always italicize the journal or magazine title and volume number.
· Always italicize the book title.
· Only capitalize the first word, first word after a colon, or proper nouns in article, book, website, or video titles.
· Make sure you know the format of the item you are citing (i.e., print or electronic).
· Do not include “retrieved from” for website links.
Reference List: Books
Printed Books
Author, A. A. (year). Title of book. Publisher.
Allman, P. (2019). Critical education against global capitalism: Karl Marx and revolutionary critical education. Brill Sense.
Author, A. A. (year). Title of book: Subtitle of book [eBook edition]. Publisher. URL
Panagiotopoulou, J. A., Rosen, L., & Strzykala, J. (Eds.). (2020). Inclusion, education, and translanguaging: How to promote social justice in (teacher) education? [eBook edition]. Springer.
Author, A. A. (year). Title of book (N. Narrator, Narr.) [Audiobook]. Publisher. URL (if applicable)
Obama, M. (2018). Becoming (M. Obama, Narr.) [Audiobook]. Random House.
Book Chapter
Author, A. A., & Author, A. A. (year). Title of chapter. In A. Editor (Ed.), Title of book (pp. #– #). Publisher.
Lester, A. O. S. (2018). Living with three strikes: Being a transwoman of color in education. In S. A. Shelton, J. E. Flynn, & T. J. Grosland (Eds.), Feminism and intersectionality in academia (pp. 145–152). Palgrave Macmillan.
Reference List: Journal/Magazine/Newspaper Articles
Journal Article
Author, A. A., & Author, A. A. (year). Article title. Journal Title, Vol(issue), p#.
Januszyk, R., Miller, E. C., & Lee, O. (2016). Addressing student diversity and equity. Science and Children, 53(8), 28.
Magazine Article
Author, A. A. (year, month date). Article title. Magazine, vol(issue#), p#-#.
Heller, N. (2020, June 1). Too far from home: What’s behind the crisis of the unhoused? The New Yorker, 28–40.
Newspaper Article
Author, A. A. (year, month date). Article title. Newspaper, p#.
Borenstein, S. (2020, September 3). Black holes merge into never before seen size. StarNews, A7.
Electronic Journals/Magazines/Newspaper Articles with DOI
Author, A. (Year). Title. Journal Name, Volume(issue), page numbers. Doi
Hill, M. L. (2018). “Thank you, Black Twitter:” State violence, digital counterpublics, and pedagogies of resistance. Urban Education, 53(2), 286–302.
Reference List: Internet Sources
Author, A. A. (year, month date or year last updated). Title of page. Site name. URL
National Public Radio (NPR). (2020). Arts and life.
Host, A. A. (Host). (year, month date). Title of episode (no. if provided) [Audio podcast episode]. In Name of podcast. Publisher. URL
Ward, A. (Host). (2020, June 4). Pelicanology (pelicans) with Juita Martinez [Audio podcast episode]. In Ologies with Alie Ward. Alie Ward.
YouTube Video
Author, A. A. [Username]. (year, month date). Title of video [Video]. Streaming Service. URL
Houting, J. d. [TEDx Talks]. (2019, November 1). Why everything you know about autism is wrong [Video]. YouTube. EPM&list=WL&index=62&t=0s
Reference List: Conference Sessions and Presentations
Conference Session
Author, A. (YEAR, Month Date(s)). Title [Conference session]. Name of Meeting/Conference name, location. Website if available.
Martinez, D., & Ortiz, Z. (2018, March 3-7). Creating community for foster youth on college campuses: Effective strategies for academic success [Conference session]. NASPA annual conference, Philadelphia, PA, United States.
Paper Presentation
Author, A. (Year, Month Date(s)). Title [Paper presentation]. Name of Meeting/Conference, Location.
Hardison, T., & Castro, E. L. (2018, November 14-17). A timeline of Pell Grant availability in prison: A critical policy analysis regarding access to higher education for incarcerated students [Paper Presentation]. Association for the Study of Higher Education annual meeting, Tampa, FL, United States.
Author, A. (Year, Month Date(s)). Title [Poster presentation]. Name of Meeting/Conference, Location.
Vakil, J. B. (2019, April 6). Identity, recruitment, and retention of Asian Pacific Islander Desi American novice elementary and STEM teachers [Poster presentation]. Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Toronto, CA.
Reference List: Dissertations and Theses
Unpublished Dissertation/Thesis
Author, A. (Year). Title [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Degree Awarding Institution.
Daniels, L. R. (2019). The experiences of secondary Black women principals leading change with a predominately White faculty: Cast down, but not destroyed [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. University of St. Thomas.
Dissertation or Thesis from a Database
Author, A. (Year). Title (Publication No. #) [Master’s Thesis, Degree Granting Institution]. Database or Archive Name.
Smith, D. J. (2011). Reforming the criminal justice system: A pragmatic approach to building a sustainable system (Publication No. 1503912) [Master’s thesis, University of Central Oklahoma]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global.
Dissertation or Thesis Published Online
Author, A. (Year). Title [Doctoral dissertation, Degree Awarding Institution]. Database or Archive Name. Link.
Reinert, L. J. (2016). Silent strategy: Women faculty and the academic profession [Doctoral dissertation, University of Minnesota]. University of Minnesota Conservancy. E_17155.pdf?sequence=1
How to change APA style to AMA citations (0) | 2021.02.28 |
APA 7th Edition Quick Guide (0) | 2020.12.04 |
APA style Headings (0) | 2020.11.16 |
APA Style - Punctuation / Comma, Semicolon, Colon, Parenthesis, Dash, Quotation Marks, Italics (0) | 2019.10.04 |
APA style - Author Citation Guideline / In-Text Citations: Author/Authors (0) | 2019.10.03 |