

Arizona State University

Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College

Physical Education Program - Lesson Plan


Teacher: Beltz

Grade(s): 4th grade


NASPE Content Standard(s) targeted:  

·      Introductory: NASPE 1, 3, 5

·      Fitness: NASPE 1, 4, 6

·      Lesson Focus: NASPE 2, 3, 5

·      Game: NASPE 2, 3, 5



Objectives (Explicit, observable): By the end of the lesson students will be able to manipulate the hoop by using their body parts and to understand that there are many ways to enjoy with the hula-hoop.



Organization – Student: Scattered individually



Formal Assessment/Evidence of Mastery (Include a variety of methods of checking for understanding & creating a record of student performance):  Informal assessment of hula-hoop skills using body parts.


Key vocabulary targeted: (CCR)

“Use your body parts”

Needed equipment and Set-up:

Music for Four Corners Movements

One hoop per child



Opening/Anticipatory Set: (state objectives, connect to previous learning, and make relevant to real life)

Today, we are going to learn the way to use hula-hoops with our several body parts and I am going to let you know the other ways that we can play with the hula-hoop.


Introductory Activity/Warm-up segment: Following Activity

One partner leads and performs various kinds of movements. The other partner must follow in a similar fashion. This can also be used with squads or small groups, allowing the captain to lead (Student demonstration can be used to stimulate new ideas among students).

Fitness Development segment:  Aerobic Movements

Outline a large rectangle with two signs at each corner. Youngsters move around the inside of the rectangle and change movements as they pass each sign.

Music segments (30 sec) indicate Four Corner aerobic activity while intervals of silence (30 sec) announce performance of flexibility and strength development activities.

Lesson Focus segment - Include Teaching Cues: Manipulative Skills Using Hoops

1.     Hula-hoop using various body parts such as waist, neck, knees, arms and fingers.

a.     While hula-hooping on the arms, try to change the hoop from one arm to the other.

b.     Change hoop from one partner to another while hula-hooping around the waist.

c.     Try leg skippers—hula-hoop with one leg and jump the hoop with the other leg.

d.     Hula-hoop around waist while on knees. While hooping, try to stand up and go back to knees.

e.     Exploratory activity.

2.     Place the hoops on the floor to create various patterns. Have the children perform various fundamental locomotor movements and animal walks in, out of, and between the hoops. Create different challenges by having students go in and out of various color hoops and specify a certain number of hoops the must enter.

3.     Jump rope with the hoop—forward and backward. Begin with a back-and-forth pendulum swing. Try sideways jumping.

4.     Thread the needle. Balance the hoop on head and try to step through the hoop. Do it forward, backward and sideways.

5.     Roll hoop and run alongside it. Run ahead of it. Cross in front of it. Go through the hoop.

6.     Spin the hoop like a top. How many times can you make it spin? How many times can you run around the spinning hoop before it falls?

7.     Balance the hoop and then go through it before it falls.

8.     For a change-of-pace activity, put hoops on floor. Perform various locomotor movements around many hoops. On signal, curl up inside a hoop. For challenges, have fewer hoops than students.

9.     Roll hoop with a reverse spin to make it return to the thrower.

10.  Reverse spin, catch on arm, and hula-hoop it. Try catching on foot.


Game segment- Include Rule Modifications and progression through the rules:


Animal Tag

Two parallel lines are drawn about 40 ft apart. Children are divided into two groups, each of which takes a position on one of the lines. Children in one group get together with their leader and decide what animal they wish to imitate. Having selected the animal, they move over to within 5 ft or so of the other line. There they imitate the animal, and the other group tries to guess the animal correctly. If the guess is correct, they chase the first group back to its line, trying to tag as many as possible. Those caught must go over to the other team. The second group then selects an animal, and roles are reversed. If the guessing team cannot guess the animal, however, the performing team gets another try. To avoid confusion, children must guessing, the leader of the performing team can give the initial of the animal.


Pigs Fly

The leader stands at the front of the room and calls out the name of a mammal, bird, fish, or reptile, and a movement. For instance, the leader might call out, “Rabbits swim. Pigs Fly. Bears crawl.” When the leader states a correct relationship, the class must move accordingly. In this example, they would begin a bear crawl on their hands and feet. Games should be kept short so that all children have a chance to lead and no one has to sit out too long.

Tag Games

Children are scattered about the area. One child is it and chases the others, trying to tag one of them. When a tag is made, she says “You’re it.” The new it chases other children.

·      Floor Tag. Touching the floor makes the runner safe.

·      Mimic Tag. Children can be safe by mimicking a particular action or pose.

·      Locomotor Tag. The child who is it specifies how the others should move – skipping, hopping, jumping. The tagger must use the same kind of movement.


Feedback Statements: Find your own space.

Closure/Lesson Summary:  What kinds of body parts did you use in hula-hooping?

Lesson Extension: How can we play hula-hoop with a partner or within a group?


Henry_Lesson plan_1030.docx








Date: 6th Nov 2014

Connie Pangrazi,

Principal, ABC school,

Santa Catalina 330A,

(480) 727-1766.


Dear Principal,


I thought now would be a great time to send information about grading procedures in my physical education classes. The primary purpose of my class is to provide everyone with opportunities to know how to be healthy and feel successful when participating in a variety of physical activities. I am going to teach pupils on the basis of the three domains of assessment and the grading system.


< Psychomotor Domain of Assessment >

Students can earn a maximum of 5 points each evaluation in P.E. by working to develop and improve my motor skills, physical fitness level, and ability to participate successfully in a variety of sports/ activities introduced in class.


< Cognitive Domain of Assessment >

Students can earn a maximum of 5 points each evaluation in P.E. by demonstrating knowledge & under-standing of the sports/fitness information communicated by the teacher throughout the class.

< Affective/Behavioral Domain of Assessment >

E = Excellent

(5 points)

·       Exhibits best efforts and a positive attitude about participating in PA

·       Cooperates with classmates and

·       Encourages others to participate, assists others

·       Follows the leader’s directions and attempts the skills on a daily basis

S = Satisfactory

(4 points)

·       Willingly attempts activities

·       Follows the leader’s directions most of the time

·       Attempts new skills when demonstrated and encouraged

·       Is focused on the activities presented

N= Needs Improvement

(3 points)

·       Talks while directions are given causing inappropriate participation.

·       Attempts at redirection are unsuccessful

·       Acting in an unsafe manner towards themselves and/or others

·       Easily distracted and not focused on the activities


(2 points)

·       Consistently talking while directions are given

·       Disrupting the learning environment and not showing respect for others

·       Numerous attempts at redirection have been unsuccessful

·       Student refuses to participate

<Point Deduction> 10 Points

1. 0-5   No Change

2. 6-10 Lower 1 Grade

Students will lose 10 points for things like,

·       Any unexcused absence

·       Being disrespectful

·       Fighting

·       No improvement in behavior after repeated correction

The points will be given to the students 6 times in a semester. As you see the table, students will earn a maximum of 15 points at one time. So they will earn total 100 points (90 points + point deduction) at the end of the semester. I will be grading on a point value A~F. This system is exactly the same with our district-wide grade scale for grades K-12.

The grading scale is as follows:

A: 90-100 points

B: 80-89 points

C: 70-79 points

D: 60-69 points

F: below 60 points


Also, I am going to share with their parents the grading guideline through the Physical Education Newsletter and post grades online each evaluation time with students’ specific feedback. At the last grading period, I will post the students’ total points and their improved behavioral and technical skills. I believe that this system will be effective because it would allow the parents to encourage their students continuously to be active until the end of period. However, I also will emphasize the reason of this evaluation to the parents that it would be the assessment ‘for’ learning, not the assessment ‘of’ learning. I hope that you will help me to manage the system in physical education program. Thank you.






Hyeonho (Henry) Yu


Henry_Grading letter(2nd draft).docx



Consequence ppt.pptx







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