
Hands Brain Break

Brain Breaks are simple 1-2 minute mind and body challenges.  They are excellent for regaining focus in a meeting or a class.  Your students or audience will love you for them.


This Brain Break seems simple.  However, you will find out soon that you will have a hard time mastering it.  


1.  Stand Up.

2.  Start by waving your right hand in front of you left to right.  Your palm should be facing away from you while keeping your hand with your fingers pointing up. 

3.  Now stop that hand and have your left hand in front of you waving it up and down.  

4.  Now practice moving them at the SAME TIME.  Do not move your hands going diagonally.  

5.  Now switch to have your right hand up and down and your left hand left and right.  Do this faster and switch often to make it more difficult.

6.  Lastly, to increase the difficulty, have your arms crossed while doing this. 



Classroom Brain Break - Pen Flipping Brain Break


This one you will take these steps.


1.  Stand Up.

2.  Take a pen and flip it ONE REVOLUTION.  (Imagine a piece of tape on one end of the pen, then throw the pen from the tape side.  Have the pen go one full turn around to get to the tape side again) 

3.  Now do the same thing with your other hand.  

4.  Now get a pen for both hands and try to do both pens at the same time.  

5.  If you really are good at that, then try to throw the pens up into the air and catch them in opposite hands.  This is tough.  







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