
Henry_Badminton season plan.doc

Captain’s Contract


The captain’s responsibilities are: 

·      To organize team practices and games including practice activities, drills, conditioning exercises, run-throughs of plays and defense, scrimmages, and strategy sessions.

·      To demonstrate fair play and good sportspersonship at all times.

·      To assign team players responsibilities and positions.

·      To demonstrate good safety practices.

·      To hand in team roster and team color sheets.

·      To remind the team of the practice and game schedule.

·      To review knowledge and skills as needed to prepare for skill challenges, quizzes, and games.

·      To be a “positive leader” showing enthusiasm and to give encouragement at all times.

·      To remind and review class make-up procedures should a teammate miss a practice, game, or assessment.

·      To have each skill checked off by the instructor once completed.


            I understand and will implement these responsibilities to the best of my ability.




                                                            Captain’s signature                                         Date


Team Info & Roster


Team Name                                                                


Team Color                                                                




Assistant Captain____________________________


Fitness Trainer______________________________









(Choices include referee, scorekeeper, athletic trainer, reporter, make your own)




Team Player Responsibilities

      Captain – See page 2.

      Assistant Captain – work cooperatively with the captain to plan and execute practices and competitions. 

      Manager - distributes and collects equipment, sets up playing field/court, arranges substitute for absent players

      Fitness Instructor – leads daily warm-up and possibly cool-down

      Statistician - record, and post team and individual statistics on bulletin boards.

      Referee/Umpire – familiarize oneself with rules and etiquette of the sport/activity. 


Game Schedule – Prepared by Teacher





Skill/Knowledge Checklist


            The instructor will initial each skill once it is satisfactorily completed.



    Teacher Initials                                                     Task








Game Preparation Criteria


            In order for the teams to compete in games, each must fulfill the following criteria:

·      Completion of the knowledge/skill checklist

·      Written quizzes with a combined average of 80%.

Competition Point System


·      3 points will be given for each win.

·      1 point will be given for each tie.

·      0 points will be given for each loss.

·      0-10 points for the team’s average on the written quiz (divide average by 10)

·      0-10 points for the team’s average on skill quizzes (authentic assessment performed during competitions towards the end of the unit, divide average by 10)

·      Fair play points points for sportsmanship (scored by teacher)

·      Attendance – 1 point for each day the entire team is present and participating



Practice Plan


Captain: _______________________________________ Date: _________________________


Team:_________________________________________ Activity: _______________________


Practice Plans: PE teacher will lead warm-ups.  Afterwards, captains may use the remainder of class for a practice which may include additional skill work, strategy planning, scrimmaging, assigning positions; basically what the captain deems necessary for improvement.

            Captains MUST submit a written outline of their practice plan prior to each practice.  In the space below and on the reverse, outline the practice using both diagrams and written words.  Keep the diagrams as simple as possible and use the following symbols when possible. 



Practice Plan:










Extra Practice Request Form


            Each team may request extra practices at any time throughout the duration of the season.  The captain must fill out this form and hand it to the teacher at least one full class prior to the requested date.  Practices must consist of sport skill drills, team strategy, etc.  Intra-team scrimmage games are not considered practices.

            Captains may set up practices on their own at recess, before or after school.  You may request instruction from your physical education teacher and/or equipment.  See your physical education teacher to organize this.


Team and Class                                                                     




            The above team would like to request an extra practice.  The goal of the practice will be to:


I will organize this practice by:


I would like a teacher to:

              Teach an additional skill/strategy.                                                               

              Review a skill/strategy taught.                                                                                 



                                                            Captain’s Signature



                                                            Approved by



In the trenches.......

              ......being a sport education captain


Congratulations!!!!  You have been selected captain.  This packet is designed to make your captainship more successful in everything from player relations to practice plans.  You must read, sign, and return the entire packet to your physical education teacher.  Good luck and never hesitate to ask questions, your PE teacher will more than happy to help. 


Things to Consider

·      Practice time is crucial to team improvement since most teams practice the way they play games.  Here are five ideas to help improve practice time.

1.     Implementing Drills:  Gather your team, have them sit down, explain the practice activity.  Be clear and think out what you want to say in advance.  Ask for questions and then have everyone begin.  If the practice activity is not going well, reconvene the team and make adjustments.  That’s OK and quite common. 

2.     Skill progression:  When teaching a new skill or reviewing an old one, start with simple drills/skills, then make it more difficult in small steps.  If the first drill you use is difficult, players will be unsuccessful, grow frustrated, and lose confidence.

3.     Breakdown:  Teach different parts of a complex skill separately, then once a player has mastered all the parts, put them together into the whole skill.  For example, the volleyball serve:  Teach the toss (without ball first, with ball later), teach the arm swing/shoulder turn, put the whole skill together but use a beach ball and have them serve into a wall so they’re successful, then use a real volleyball into the wall, and lastly, a real volleyball over the net.  Sounds complex but IT WILL WORK!!!

4.     Equipment:  You don’t need to use the “real thing” (real volleyball for example) right away.  You can practice a skill without any equipment or use something else which makes the skill easier.  Then once your players are prepared, you can switch to the equipment used during games.                                                                                                         

5.     ACTIVITY TIME is the time players actually spend in activity.  Try and design drills so that players are active instead of waiting in lines because the more opportunities players have to touch the ball (object), the more opportunities to improve.

·      Feedback is the information you give a player about his/her performance.  While your team is practicing, take a break and walk around giving feedback.  Appropriate feedback is critical to player improvement and good feedback has three characteristics.

1.  Is POSITIVE, when telling a player what they need to improve, incorporate a positive comment about what they are already doing well.

2.  Is Specific, tells the player exactly what needs to be worked on.

3.  Considers what level of performance the player is at.  The feedback you give a highly skilled performer will be different from that which you give to a less skilled performer.

Example:  “Mary, great job, your volleyball toss is in the right place, now just toss it about a foot higher.”

·      Team Unity:  Teams must work together because conflicts decrease performance and enjoyment.  The best way to encourage unity is for players to be supportive, encouraging, and positive towards one another.  Even if a player makes a terrible mistake, don’t make them feel worse, tell them they will “get it next time.”  If you continually have problems with a certain player, talk with them individually.  If problems persist, talk with your PE teacher.  Captains DO NOT have the authority to sit players out.

·      Addressing your team:  Whenever you need to talk to your entire team, make certain that they are attentive and listening.  If they’re talking, fooling around, or playing with equipment, your point will be lost.  If it means waiting a couple minutes before they are ready to listen, do so because if you let your players get away with being disruptive the first time, it will certainly get worse later.

·      Competitiveness:  It is important to remember that skill improvement, enjoyment, personal fitness, and positive social dynamics are our goals, not winning.  Don’t let your team become overly competitive or demonstrate poor sportsmanship.

·      Updates with PE Teacher:  Communication between captain and PE teacher are important to preventing problems and making a successful season.  Periodically, your PE teacher will ask for a brief conference to discuss the season. 



                                    Print Captain’s Name



                                    Captain’s Signature












Badminton Season Outcomes


The purpose is to introduce students to the basic skills and knowledge associated with badminton. By applying these principles through active participation, students develop the necessary skills and knowledge to pursue badminton as a lifetime activity. In addition, this course provides students with opportunities to improve physical fitness, acquire knowledge of fitness concepts and practice positive personal and social skills. Students will gain an understanding of how a wellness lifestyle affects one’s health, fitness and physical performance.


Cognitive Domain

- Understand and apply rules

- Know basic strategies/tactics for singles and doubles play


Affective Domain

-Be able to display sportsmanship and values of fair play

-Be able to communicate with other students

-Learn to be a good team player

-Display a positive attitude

-Be able to evaluate specific skills and give feedback to other students

-Be able to take constructive criticism in order to help them improve


Psychomotor Domain

-Be able to perform specific badminton related skills, serving, forehand and backhand shots

-Be able to demonstrate proper footwork that correspond to specific shots







Badminton Season Block Plan

Class Context



Ninth grade; 16 boys and 12 girls; class duration is 50 min; meets 5 days per week; 20 classes total; class has completed 3 previous Sport Education seasons.



Badminton, indoors, 6 regulation courts



Adequate shuttles, regulation racquets


Team Format

3 teams (9, 9, and 10)


Competition Format

Singles—round-robin (A, B, and C levels); doubles—round-robin (A and B levels); singles and doubles championship round (two players from each team play in A, B, C, and D singles and A, B, and C doubles)


Duty-Team Roles

Scorer, officials, equipment manager, team statistician



Class Activities


Introduce badminton serve and clear shots.

Allow for ample student practice to evaluate skill levels.

Choose captains. Describe class format.


Introduce smash and drop shots.

Continue practice.

Captain helps to evaluate student skill levels.


Captains have met with teacher to form teams.

Announce teams.

Assign home courts.

Explain competition format and post schedule.

Watch badminton video and explain tactics and scoring rules.

Teams practice at home court.

Teams choose team name.


Teams practice skill upon entry.

Teacher reviews critical elements of key techniques (serve, clears, drops, smashes) with whole class.

Teams practice at home courts led by captains.

Teams play within-team scrimmages using rally scoring.

At closure, teams meet to create team cheer.


Explain duty-team responsibilities.

Officiating and scoring expectations explained and demonstrated.

Teams play within-team scrimmages, while teammates practice officiating and scoring.


Skill practice at home courts.

Initial scrimmages for teams to practice playing games and duty-team roles.

All games are timed with rally scoring.

Teacher reviews tactical and technique issues observed during scrimmages.

Team statisticians take game results home to practice compiling game data.


Skill practice at home courts.

Teams decide on placement of players for initial singles competition (A, B, or C).

Teams scrimmage with other teams at same level (i.e., AvA; BvB; CvC).


Singles round-robin competition: 1v2, 1v3, and 2v3; rally scoring.


Review of singles competition.

Doubles tactics introduced.

Teams practice doubles play at home courts.


Skill practice at home courts.

Watch video of doubles play.

Doubles scrimmages: A players vs. A players; BvB on all courts.


Skill practice.

Duty-team responsibilities reviewed.

Teams scrimmage.

Teams make final decisions on pairing for doubles round-robin.


Doubles round-robin competition

1v2, 1v3, and 2v3; rally scoring.


Review doubles competition.

Describe format for championship round-robin.

Teams practice at home court.


Teams practice at home court.

Teams make final placement decisions for championship round-robin.


Team scrimmages.


Team practices. A and B level singles championships; regular scoring.


Team practices. C and D level singles championships; regular scoring.


Team practices. A and B level doubles championships; regular scoring.


Team practices. C and D level doubles championships; regular scoring.


Badminton skill fun day and awards ceremony.




Affective Rubric


Student Name ______________________________________


Altruism:  The student…

______ 4 regularly gives to others unselfishly and is considerate and kind to all

______ 3 sometimes gives to others unselfishly and is considerate and kind to all

______ 2 rarely shares with others or treats them in a kind or considerate manner

______ 1 fails to share or treat others in a kind or considerate manner


Compassion:  The student…

______ 4 is always aware of and concerned for the feelings of others and deals with others in a kind and sympathetic manner.

______ 3 usually has sympathy, understanding, and respect for the concerns and feelings of others.

______ 2 rarely considers, respects, or shows an understanding for the feelings and concerns of others.

______ 1 does not consider, respect, or show an understanding for the feelings and concerns of others.


Respect:  The student…

______ 4 always respects of the rights, property, and opinions of others.

______ 3 usually respects of the rights, property, and opinions of others.

______ 2 sometimes demonstrates consideration, regard, or esteem for the rights, property, or opinions of others.

______ 1 does not demonstrate consideration, regard or esteem for the rights, property, or opinions of others.


Tolerance:  The student…

______ 4 accepts individual differences regardless of their type and makes adjustments to accommodate when appropriate.

______ 3 is generally aware of individual differences and makes efforts to accommodate others.

______ 2 demonstrates little effort or understanding in dealing with individuals who are different.

______ 1 is tolerant of others and/or indiscriminately treats others poorly or with disdain.





            Our role as educators is to prepare students for success as adults.  Technology will undoubtedly grow more prevalent throughout our society and therefore, schools should utilize the latest technology as much as possible.  For this assignment, create a Statement on Technology (100-250 words) exploring your school’s beliefs regarding the utilization of technology in PE.  Then separately list 5 technologies your school will incorporate into instruction.  After each technology, briefly list how you plan to incorporate it (no word requirement)



Technologies Incorporated into Instruction:

1. Example 1 – Website- A website will be set up through the school’s website to display team statistics, scores, and rankings.  This will allow families to get involved and see how their children are developing and competing with their designated teams.


2. Example 2 – Heart Rate Monitors- One team at a time will experiment and use a heart monitor during the their fitness instruction in order to become aware of their target and maximum heart rates for activities.  With this information the players will understand their body’s response to working at different intensities.


3. Example 3 – Electronic Scoreboard- The electronic scoreboards will be used during each sport unit.  The statisticians will not only be responsible for written statistics but keeping the score, time, and etc using the scoreboards.


4. Example 4 – Videos-  Not only will fitness videos be implemented during the teams designated fitness time but periodically throughout the units captains will be able to video record their players during practice time in order to get a better look at their teams need for improvement on specific skills.


5. Example 5 – Digital Photos- Digital photos will be taken throughout practice and game play in order to display our sport education model on the Physical Education bulletin board and in the school’s community newsletter.



            List the physical education equipment your school possesses.  This equipment inventory is helpful in several regards.  First, it often serves as a brainstorming tool for creating activities.  Second, it allows teachers to track changes over time such as missing, stolen, or broken equipment.  Third, it serves as a baseline when requesting new or additional equipment from administration.  Finally, teachers can record equipment purchasing suggestions and analyze the success of past purchases.  Your equipment inventory should reflect the contextual characteristics of your district.

Complete the equipment table on page two.  You should organize the list in a way that makes retrieval easy.  For example, organize the equipment into categories or alphabetize it.  Make sure you address equipment needs for each unit in your curriculum.






  • PECentral

·      http://www.pecentral.org

  • The Lesson Plans Page

·      http://www.lessonplanspage.com/PE23.htm

  • Teaching Ideas

·      http://www.teachingideas.co.uk/pe/contents.htm

  • Fun-Attic – The Great Games List

·      http://www.funattic.com/game_list.htm

  • PE Universe

·      http://www.peuniverse.com/

  • Susan’s Physical Education, Health, and Sports Site

·      http://www.hccanet.org/patricks/index.htm

  • Frank and Mike’s Physical Education Page

·      http://www.geocities.com/sissio/physical_education.html

  • Omaha, NE Public Schools:  Elementary Physical Education

·      http://www.ops.org/district/CENTRALOFFICES/CurriculumandLearning/PhysicalEducation/ElementaryPhysicalEducation/tabid/1003/Default.aspx

  • American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance

·      http://www.aahperd.org

  • Connecticut Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance

·      http://www.ctahperd.org

  • National Association for Sport and Physical Education

·      http://www.aahperd.org/naspe

  • wikiPE

·      http://www.ccsu.edu/physedhltfit/faculty/cummiskey/wikipe.htm

  • State of Connecticut Department of Education:  Healthy and Balanced Living Curriculum Framework

·      http://healthymeals.nal.usda.gov/hsmrs/Connecticut/Healthy&BalancedLiving.pdf

  • Miami-Dade County Public Schools:  Physical Education and Health Literacy

·      http://pe.dadeschools.net/default.asp

  • PE Zone

·      http://reach.ucf.edu/~pezone/

  • Great Activities Publishing Company:  Helping You Keep Physical with Education

·      https://www.greatactivities.net/index.php?action=newspaper


'Sport Education > Badminton' 카테고리의 다른 글

Badminton Cues in Different Shots  (0) 2019.09.19
Badminton Knowledge Test  (0) 2019.09.16
Difference between Tennis Net Cord Lets vs Badminton Lets  (0) 2019.09.14
Badminton Day 20 - Skill Tests  (0) 2019.09.10
Badminton Day 19  (0) 2019.09.10


Forehand grip

·       Shake hands with racquet

·       Thumb on ten o’clock

·       All four fingers wrapped around the grip

Backhand grip:

·       Thumb on nine o’clock

·       All four fingers wrapped around the grip


High serve:

·       Server stands near short serve line close toward mid line

·       Opposite foot points to target

·       Opposite shoulder points to target

·       Hold shuttle on hitting side

·       Use a long underhand swing to strike shuttle

·       Turn chest to target on follow-through

·       Shuttle travels high to back opponent’s  court


Low Serve:

·       Server stands near front corner next to midline

·       Opposite foot points to target 

·       Backhand grip

·       Racquet head at waist

·       Shuttle held in front of racquet head

·       Push racquet  forward with thumb

·       Shuttle travels low and lands just over short serve line


Underhand clear:`

·       Step forward with opposite foot

·       Pull racquet back and high

·       Strong swing forward

·       Follow through to target

·       Shuttle travels high toward back of opponent’s court


Overhead clear:

·       Move  directly under shuttle

·       Weight on back foot

·       Opposite foot points to target

·       Racquet moves to overhead hitting position

·       Racquet strikes shuttle high (long lever)

·       Chest turns to target

·       Player steps forward with hitting foot

·       Shuttle travels high to back of opponent’s court


Drop shot :

·       Move  directly under shuttle

·       Weight on back foot

·       Opposite foot points to target

·       Racquet moves to overhead hitting position

·       Racquet strikes shuttle high .Chest turns to target

·       Player steps forward with hitting foot

Shuttle drops just over the net


Overhead smash

·       Move  directly under shuttle

·       Weight on back foot

·       Opposite foot points to target

·       Racquet moves to overhead hitting position

·       Racquet strikes shuttle high (long lever)

·       Chest turns to target

·       Player steps forward with hitting foot

·       Shuttle travels fast on a downward angle


Backhand shots:

·       Backhand grip

·       Hitting side foot steps to shuttle

·       Back almost faces net as racquet is pulled backwards

·       Strike strongly through shuttle pushing with thumb



·       Singles-after hitting, player returns to middle of court

·       Doubles-players move to appropriate positions

·       Defense positions are side by side in middle of each court

·       Attack positions are front and back




Badminton Knowledge Test

Date: _______________


Name: ______________



1.     A point must be replayed. What is this called?

a.     Fault

b.     Let

c.     Down

d.     Reply


2.     Which term indicates a violation of the rules?

a.     Fault

b.     Feint

c.     Let

d.     Replay


3.     Players hit the shuttle back and forth to each other. What is this called?

a.     Playing a point

b.     Rallying

c.     Pinging

d.     Hitting


4.     What is the score at the beginning of a game?

a.     No score

b.     0-0

c.     Love

d.     Love-all


5.     What is the shot called that travels downward with great force?

a.     Slam

b.     Drive

c.     Drop

d.     Smash


6.     Which stroke should barely clear the net and immediately fall into the opponent’s court?

a.     Drop

b.     Drive

c.     Smash

d.     Serve


7.     Which stroke is hit high to the back of the opponent’s court?

a.     Lob

b.     Drive

c.     Clear

d.     Smash


8.     How many points does the server get for winning a rally?

a.     1

b.     2

c.     3

d.     5


9.     In singles, Player A serves the shuttle over the net to Player B. It lands in the area between the net and short service line. What is the ruling?

a.     Point for Player A

b.     Second service for Player A

c.     Point for Player B

d.     Player B serves


10.  What happens when the shuttle touches the net during play?

a.     A let is called.

b.     The point is replayed.

c.     Play is continued.

d.     The point is ended.


11.  During play a shuttle hits the backline and bounce out of the court. What is the decision?

a.     The shot is good because the lines are part of the court.

b.     The shot is out because the lines are not part of the court.

c.     The shot is out because it bounced out.

d.     The point is replayed because it hit a line and bounced.


12.  During a rally with Player B, Player A, the server, hits a shot that contacts his or her racquet twice before going over the net. What is the situation?

a.     Point awarded to Player A

b.     The Point is replayed.

c.     Play continues.

d.     Player B wins the rally.


13.  What portion of the body provides most of the power in badminton strokes?

a.     Shoulder

b.     Wrist

c.     Arm

d.     Trunk


14.  How can the proper forehand grip best be described?

a.     It is the grip that feels the most natural.

b.     It is tight and tense.

c.     It is the same as gripping a hammer.

d.     It is firm but relaxed.


15.  How far apart should the feet be in the ready position?

a.     About 6 inches

b.     About shoulder width

c.     More the shoulder width

d.     About 3 feet


16.  How can a player best position him- or herself for shots in the back of the court?

a.     Turn and run

b.     Pivot and slide

c.     Run backward

d.     Skip backward


17.  How high are the most effective badminton shots contacted?

a.     Above the player’s head

b.     Above the top of the net

c.     Level with the top of the net

d.     Below the player’s waist


18.  Why is weight transference important in badminton strokes?

a.     It provides maximum power for the stroke.

b.     It helps the placement of the shuttle.

c.     It ensures proper footwork.

d.     It helps the player relax.


19.  What part of the hand gives the racquet support in hitting a backhand?

a.     The index finger

b.     The little finger

c.     The palm

d.     The ball of the thumb




20.  How high should the shuttle be contacted on the overhead clear?

a.     A

b.     B

c.     C

d.     D


21.  What is the greatest difference in hitting the overhead clear and overhead drop shot?

a.     Amount of backswing

b.     Speed of the wrist snap

c.     Amount of follow-through

d.     Point of contact

22.  The flight pattern of what stroke is shown in the diagram?

a.     Smash

b.     Short serve

c.     Drop shot

d.     Drive


23.  What is the biggest difference in hitting a clear and a smash?

a.     Amount of wrist snap

b.     Angle of the racquet face

c.     Amount of backswing

d.     Speed of the forward swing


24.  A player’s smash lacks velocity. What might be the problem?

a.     The wrist is not cocked in the backswing.

b.     The shuttle is being hit too early.

c.     The shuttle is being hit too late.

d.     The direction of the follow-through is too high.


25.  A player is hitting a smash to flat. What is the most probable cause?

a.     The backswing is too short.

b.     The follow-through is too short.

c.     The shuttle is hit too early

d.     The shuttle is hit too late.




26.  Which square in the diagram shows the correct location of the home base position for a single player?

a.     A

b.     B

c.     C

d.     D


27.  To what area of the court should a player generally try to avoid hitting a shot?

a.     The front

b.     The middle

c.     The right

d.     The left



28.  What should a player to after hitting a shot?

a.     Stand and watch to see if it goes in.

b.     Return to the center of the court.

c.     Rush the net.

d.     Go to where the opponent will probably hit the return.


29.  In singles, where should the shuttle be hit most frequently?

a.     Directly at the opponent

b.     Away from the opponent

c.     To the front of the court

d.     To the right side of the court


30.  Which is the best strategy in playing singles?

a.     Hit the shuttle upward whenever possible

b.     Hit all clears to the center of the opponent’s court

c.     Hit a high, deep clear when in doubt as to what to hit

d.     Smash any shot the opponent hits upward






What happens if the shuttle brushes the net in Badminton?

As you said, a “let” is played in tennis when the ball brushes the net slightly during a serve; if it lands in the service box, it is not a fault; but the serve must be replayed.

In badminton, a let will NOT be called by the umpire if the shuttlecock hits the net in the event of a badminton-service.

In such instances, there is a chance that the shuttlecock will or will not reach the service line of the receiver’s side of the court.


If the shuttle fails to land in the service boundaries, it is a fault for the server.

IF the shuttle brushes the net and lands IN the service boundaries, the game is played as usual. The receiver has to retrieve it.


'Sport Education > Badminton' 카테고리의 다른 글

Badminton Cues in Different Shots  (0) 2019.09.19
Badminton Knowledge Test  (0) 2019.09.16
Badminton Day 20 - Skill Tests  (0) 2019.09.10
Badminton Day 19  (0) 2019.09.10
Badminton Day 18  (0) 2019.09.10

(5 min) Warm up 

(40 min) Skill Pre-Test

(5 min) Closure 

Two Weeks Later - Retention Tests


Clear Shot Cues

1. Move and get behind the shuttle.

2. Raise your Racquet Arm and Non-Racquet Arm.

3. Body face sideways with your feet pointing slightly sideways.

4. Stretch your Racquet Arm to as far back as possible. Stretch out your Non-racquet Arm. 

5. Take the shuttle at the Highest Point possible.

6. Full Arm Swing. Follow through with your swing after hitting the shuttle.

7. Shuffle your Racquet Foot forward as you swing your racquet forward.

8. After hitting your stroke, your body should face forward.



Poole Forehand Overhead Clear Test (French, Werner, Rink, Taylor, & Hussey, 1996). The performer stands on the X spot with his/her foot (right-handed - right foot, left-handed – left foot) and will receive a shuttle from a trained tester to hit it back over the net to the deepest corner of the court. When the performer hit shuttles, the tester will stand at point ‘X’ with holding a racquet overhead. The performer will hit a shuttle with an overhead forehand clear over the tester’s racquet. The tester will call out if the shuttle does not pass over the tester’s racquet. The performer will hit shuttles twenty times and the scores will be totaled for the clear test score. The maximum score will be 60 points.





'Sport Education > Badminton' 카테고리의 다른 글

Badminton Knowledge Test  (0) 2019.09.16
Difference between Tennis Net Cord Lets vs Badminton Lets  (0) 2019.09.14
Badminton Day 19  (0) 2019.09.10
Badminton Day 18  (0) 2019.09.10
Badminton Day 17  (0) 2019.09.10

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